
By Musicboard


Musicboard is a social platform the place folks from all around the world join through their shared love of music. Write critiques, fee music, and compile lists in music's fastest rising neighborhood.

Musicboard allows you to:

• Write critiques and fee music to share your opinions with friends. Explore what others suppose and grow your ardour.

• Discover new music from real individuals. Musicboard curates a database of scores and reviews for the world's music.

• Compile music into lists, like your favorite albums, ranking an artist's discography, or displaying off your hidden gems.

• Keep monitor of all the music you wish to listen to, and stay updated as new albums are being launched.

Subscribe to Musicboard PRO:

• Unlock in-depth statistics about your musical interests.

• Personalize your profile a customizable backdrop and a spot to share your favorite albums.

Tens of hundreds already use Musicboard to share their thoughts and opinions in music. With a combination of rankings, critiques, and lists, their profile rapidly turns into a central hub for their life in music.

Our Terms of Use is available at

For suggestions on our app, tell us at [email protected]

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