World Topo Map

By Mason Blackwood

World Topo MapWorld Topo MapWorld Topo MapWorld Topo MapWorld Topo Map

Topographic map of the world with no limitations:

• View and cache topographic tiles and satellite tv for pc imagery

• Download all topographic tiles in a visible region (for offline availability)

• Add unlimited map markers

• Import / export GPX and KML waypoints, tracks and routes

• Record routes

• View monitor / route elevation profile (with interactive graph)

• Measure distance (in a straight line) between a number of points and markers

• Search for locations of curiosity (supports decimal coordinates)

• Battery acutely aware (for these that can't recharge each day)

• Space conscious (for these that don't have gigabytes to spare; exterior SD card support)

• Stay up-to-date with the latest imagery (delete / refresh the tile cache, no dependency on software updates)

• Navigate with Google Maps interactions (pinch zoom, scroll, rotate, drop marker, drag marker etc)

• Fully practical for free!

World Topo Map is intended for outdoor lovers who wish to mark areas visited, create markers to visit, follow imported tracks or create their own. It's designed to be light-weight, intuitive, responsive, battery conscious and completely free. Perfect for informal day trips to serious bush excursions.

Developed by an adventurous individual for adventurous people!

Topographic Map Tiles

OpenTopoMap is a free, topographic map generated from the data within the OpenStreetMap and SRTM elevation information.

This service provides excellent topographic protection of most of the globe, however there may be areas and zoom ranges with no topographic info.

OpenTopoMaps is licensed under

Kartendaten: © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)


World Topo Map uses Google Analytics to anonymously ship application metrics to measure stability of the app. No private data is shipped, used or disclosed.

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You can opt out of Google Analytics anytime under the Settings menu.

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