Sky News: Breaking, UK,

By Sky UK Limited

Sky News: Breaking, UK,Sky News: Breaking, UK,Sky News: Breaking, UK,Sky News: Breaking, UK,Sky News: Breaking, UK,

Download our app for award-winning journalism and breaking news tales from the UK and around the world. We take you to the center of the tales that form our world, providing live events, eyewitness reviews, skilled evaluation and opinion.

Key Features:

Breaking information notifications - be the primary to find out about main growing stories

Watch Sky News in the Live Tab (when you've got got connection)

Easy navigation to see headlines on a number of matters from politics to entertainment

• Read articles while you're offline

Dark mode - change your preferences any time from the settings cog

Stay updated with what's taking place around the world from a range of topics:

• Top Stories - the newest headlines, breaking news, reside tales video

• Podcasts - listen to our radio exhibits together with Daily, All Out Politics, Behind the Headline, Sophy Ridge on Sunday and Backstage

• Opinion – read Sky Views from our specialists and first individual pieces from these at the coronary heart of a story

• UK - headlines from throughout the United Kingdom

• World - important occasions from across the world

• Politics - latest developments in Westminster, including brexit and elections

• US - headlines from the United States

• Ocean Rescue - find out about how the world is tackling plastics in our ocean

• Sport - stories spanning football, cricket, tennis, F1, rugby, athletics, boxing, horse racing and more

• Science Technology – latest developments in tech altering our world

• Business – headlines from the city, and financial tales affecting consumers

• Ents Arts - art, showbiz and leisure tales from around the world

• Offbeat - the strange and bizarre

Please observe: Watching video may incur additional cellular community and/or WiFi expenses.

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